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Cityworks OpX software

GIS-centric solution to manage large-scale infrastructure projects, contracts and related activities

Increase the safety and dependability of your public infrastructure using analytics to drive your operational programs, infrastructure projects and emergency response activities.

People using Cityworks OpX to increase productivity

Data-Driven Decisions

Gain detailed insights using GIS-centric web maps and program data.

Increased Productivity

Eliminate communication gaps and data silos and increase visibility into the full project lifecycle.

Financial Oversight

Proactively monitor project finances—including budgets, revenue and costs.

Product Summary

Cityworks OpX

OpX provides a streamlined solution for infrastructure owners to organize and manage large-scale projects and major events—from permitting and emergency response to operations and maintenance.

Enterprise Asset Management
Stay proactive and improve asset performance using reliable data to drive preventive maintenance and operational efficiency.

OpX Software

Benefits at a glance

  • Data Visualization & Reporting

  • Equipment, Labor & Material (ELM) Management

  • Intuitive Integrations

  • Schedule Planning

  • GIS & Spatial Analysis

  • Budget & Finance Tracking

  • Emergency Event Response

  • Workflow Management

Key Capabilities

Empower your teams to take control of asset data for greater operational oversight and enhanced budgeting and project delivery.
Data Visualization & Reporting

Display and share critical project, financial and asset data in one place and empower strategic decision-making.

Equipment, Labor & Material (ELM) Management

Monitor and organize data and costs associated with equipment, labor and materials.

Schedule Planning

Deliver projects on time and schedule critical office and field operations.

Intuitive Integrations

Achieve a full project scope by configuring OpX to consume and compile new and existing data from multiple sources across the Trimble Cityworks portfolio.

GIS & Spatial Analysis

Use Esri ArcGIS® as an authoritative system of record for large-scale capital projects and visualize your entire infrastructure network using GIS maps.

Budget & Finance Tracking

Input, update and manage contract line items and transactions, as well as manage contractor activities and set and adjust unit prices.

Emergency Event Response

Ensure safety, mitigate risk and improve emergency response and recovery by managing finances, work activities and reporting associated with natural disasters and emergency events.

Workflow Management

Monitor work activities, access asset details, view project status and enhance communication using text comment capabilities.


Expanding the Operational Umbrella Through OpX

Infrastructure owners can optimize their project data and workflows to improve business processes and outcomes.


3 Ways to Streamline Project Management with OpX

Discover three ways your organization can streamline project management and emergency response activities.

Still wondering if OpX is the right fit?

Explore your options with help from a solution specialist.


Explore the Trimble ecosystem

On-demand resources and a global team of experts at your service

Ready to advance your asset lifecycle management strategies?

Connect all lifecycle phases—Design, Build, Operate and Maintain—to maximize success.